Bad Faith in Insurance Claims: Everything You Need To Know About Barefaced Unfair Conduct of Insurance Companies

Bad faith in insurance claims

You might have indulged in some kind of insurance in your life. For example, your car insurance, your home insurance, or maybe one for your own self? Have you ever heard from any of your relatives or friends that they faced “bad faith insurance”? Everyone knows insurance is a contract that works under the state policy and laws to support you and the insurance lawyer to get you the rightful compensation.

Why would an insurance company show you bad faith? Let us explain in this post.

How to Prove Bad Faith Insurance?

As a result of bad faith insurance claims, the insurance company fails to fulfill its obligations. Under the clauses of the contract, the lawyers are accountable for acting honestly and transparently.

It might be hard to prove whether the lawyer or law firm is deliberately acting in bad faith. They might present you with excuses for getting you a low compensation amount or surpassing the deadline for getting you this compensation in the first place.  

How to prove bad faith insurance still remains a question mark then. You must know your rights and insurance acts before claiming that the insurance firm is in bad faith. If you do not get the “agreed upon” It is your right to sue the lawyer or insurance company for violations of the contract. They are under legal liability to meet the contract terms and provide you with everything that is covere under the policy. 

Immediately, you should have three things enlisted to prove bad faith in insurance claims. They are: 

  1. Benefits that were promise by the lawyer that they would get you at the end
  2. The justifiable reason for not meeting the requirements of the contract
  3. The insurance company promised that it would give you lawful compensation but refused later. 

What Are Two Types Of Bad Faith?

Generally, there are two types of bad faith:

  • Handling of insurance compensation and the claim
  • Handling of bad faith denial 

In insurance claims, it is easy to claim bad faith over the first type because the claim is unclear. Also, it is understood that good faith exists between two parties when a contract is signed. It is this “good faith” that one party should possess while dealing with the matters of the other party, especially with honesty and the duty of fair dealing. 

The communication and timely delivery of the stated claims are the two priorities of the policy providers for the policy holders. It becomes an obligation for the insurance company to give the promised claims with determination. Thus,  it requires fair judgment on the policy holder’s part to suggest that the insurance company commits bad faith in claim handling. 

How Bad Faith Insurance Is Committed? 

Whenever a serious allegation is made, such as bad faith insurance, you should fully comprehend it. Before pursuing your reasoning officially and legally against the insurance company, you should know what bad faith in insurance claims is. 

The refusal to pay your legitimate amount in insurance or investigating the process for which insurance was claimed initially by  the policyholder are the two major circumstances where bad faith insurance is committed. The misrepresentation of the contract language where the insurance seeker might not be able to understand certain insurance jargon is a clever way for an insurance firm to avoid the payment of compensation.

The firm would not acquaint you fairly with policy limitations and state guidelines which is an evident sign of bad faith in insurance claims. 

In Ohio (1994), a case was presented in Ohio court called Zoppo vs. Homestead Ins. Co. 71. It visibly cited: 

“Insurance companies fail to exercise good faith when they refuse to pay a claim if they do not have reasonable grounds for doing so.”

Under this law, ignoring the evidence that policy providers might do for denying a claim is the establishment of bad faith. The liability of damages exists on the part of the insurer as the firm breaks the law, the upheld contract interests, and a clear tort claim. 

Bad Faith Insurance Examples

For example, the contract about an insurance dispute between you and the insurance company involves two parties. The insurance firm would be responsible for getting your car damages and its relevant claims within one week, supposedly. The firm might not be able to get you the compensation or might deliver you a lower amount. This action is a clear example of bad faith in insurance claims. 

As another example, a legitimate insurance claim may be denied even when it deserves adequate compensation. You have the right to sue for insurance in bad faith under state law. The dispute would be fairly fought in court, with all of the necessary conditions to support your eligibility for reimbursement.

How Is Bad Faith Different From Lying?

A simple lying might inculcate negating the fact that a claim ever existed. For example, a man says that it is not my car while in actuality, it is. No state laws apply to the lying person that might lead him to a court trial. 

In bad faith insurance claims, since insurance is a contract, the legal statutes apply to that one party that breaches any of the clauses of the contract. The misrepresentation of facts to avoid giving you the rightful compensation The insurance contract clearly states that, or missing out on the deadline Instances of insurance companies acting in bad faith include late payments.

You must know their difference in order to avoid future hassles or contingencies, especially when you are thinking of hiring a bad-faith insurance lawyer to tackle this intricacy. 


The legal documentation of the insurance claims openly indicates the actions that you want your insurance company to commit over a certain period of time. If the insurance contract involves payment of compensation for your property or health damages,  the insurer has the obligation to do so in the duty of good faith. If not, then bad faith in insurance claims inevitably arises.

You must be well aware of reasonable justifications before you go out for help in this regard. You must have fair judgments over the insurance refusal that could result in either of the two types of bad faith. Hence, you must hire an experienced and truthful lawyer to fight for your bad faith insurance claims against the insurer who has the duty to defend your money, duty to investigate, and duty to reasonably settle your claims within the given time period. 

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