Top Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm – Get the Legal Help You Need

Top Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm
The head of Phoenix’s Street Transportation Department told that there are 85 car crashes per day counted in Phoenix
. Further, statewide traffic statistics have shown that car accidents in Phoenix have increased by 22% in 2021 as compared to the data for 2020. 

These are alarming statistics for road safety in Phoenix, which means you would always remain in need of a car accidents lawyer. In such a case, a Phoenix car accident law firm would help you in the right direction since you might not know what to do after an accident in Phoenix. 

This article would present you with all the required information regarding Phoenix car accident law firms and their expertise that you would need in times of distress. 

Why Do I Need Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm?

After a car accident, you are not just a victim but a helpless client that needs timely assistance. Phoenix car accident law firms help smoothly to take care of the matters after the accident. 

Phoenix car accidents law firms would look into three major things first: property damage, personal injuries, and insurance claims. However, different scenarios would make each car accident case different. The more complex the case, the higher the fees of Phoenix car accidents law firms.

Different Scenarios for Which You Would Need To Hire a Phoenix Car Accidents Law Firm

  • When you are on road, you might undergo various road accident scenarios. For example, what you would do if the offender hits your car and runs away at once? He vanishes from your sight and you might not get any eye witness on the road to gather evidence. You would soon realize while standing on the road right there that you need to hire an effective car accident law firm in Phoenix for hit and run cases. The firm would help you in getting more answers in detail, contact the police department instantly,
  • collect evidence from a nearby surveillance camera probably, and if the need arises, might hire a private investigator in serious matters. 
  • Similarly, a trusted car accident law firm in Phoenix for insurance disputes would support you in figuring out intricate insurance concerns. If the insurance company is taking longer to get back to you, the car accident law firm would act officially and take as much time to get you the deserving compensation,
  • An expert car accident law firm in Phoenix for fatal car crashes is there to figure out whether car accidents resulted from peculiar reasons. The reasons could include faulty car manufacturing, negligent drivers, hit and run cases that result in the death of your loved one. Who can file the case and how much time would it take to solve the case to gain economic and noneconomic gains are all questions answered properly by the car accident law firm. 
  • How the jury values human life is a matter of time that would be needed in handling serious matters like the loss of a loved one. Once you become a client of the law firm, it becomes its sole responsibility to handle all your car accident concerns with integrity. 

Phoenix Accident Law Statutes

According to Arizona state law, where Phoenix is located, you have two years to launch a case against the car accident offender. If you are a victim of a vehicle accident and need to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim, you should contact a Phoenix car accident law firm right away.

If the victim or his family waits a day longer than two years, they would not be in a position to file the case. Afterward, there would be no use in hiring a car accident law firm or lawyer. The legal firm would no more be eligible to help you to help in getting your compensation or repay your damages. 

How Do I Select Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm?

Some specifications could be counted as qualities of Phoenix car accident law firms you should know before hiring one. You should look for five qualities when hiring a car accident law firm:

  • Experience in case wins
  • Recommendations
  • Their charged fee 
  • Strong communication skills 
  • Transparency and discipline in conducting the entire process 

Usually, you can log on to the internet and do some research. Phoenix car accident law firms have reviews and recommendations posted on their web pages. They have details of the process that they would indulge in to help you go through the legal process. 

Also, you can set a meeting with a free trial. Having first discussions with the possible Phoenix car accident law firm would give you an idea to hire it or not. The free consultation session would give you a big picture of all the steps that they would take you through and if they would prove the best legal representation for you. 

How Long Would Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm Take To Solve Your Case?

The time is determine based on the intricacy of the case. Some areas require additional attention from automobile accident law companies. The severity of the wounded client’s injuries, as well as the victims’ significant financial and emotional losses, prompt Phoenix car accident law firms to take appropriate action.

Certainly, the investment of time and money is depending on these reasons. The insurance companies might take longer to settle the amount or force the law firm to take the case to court. Therefore, the case might take a few weeks or several months to get the rightful compensation that you deserve. 

Phoenix Car Accidents Law Firms Charges and Free Consultation

Accordion to Arizona state law, a Phoenix car accident law firm can charge 25% to 35% of the compensation, if you win the case. The variation is given for the purpose of catering to the complexity of the case.

If the case is simple enough, the law firm might only charge 25%. If the case is complex and might take longer than expected,  the law firm can charge as high as 35% of what you get after winning the case. 


A Phoenix Car Accident Law Firm is dedicated to providing its clients with the highest level of the right compensation. The firm would try with all its best efforts to navigate the complexities of the car accident. It would endeavor to get the right fair of your compensation with the help of its best legal team as they have a thorough understanding of the legal system. While selecting the right legal representation for your car accident case, you must keep in mind their past experience, the number of cases won, honesty, and transparency record. 

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